Eric Haskell has over 15 years of experience in web development, programming, e-commerce, and business strategy experience. He focuses on solutions that merge current technologies, applications, and concepts together to help each client meet their goals with success. He also contributes articles for Palmetto Web Design, Columbia SC.
You have started a business. So, it is essential for you to create an identity for it. So, what’s the first step that you should engage in for this pu...
When you own a business, you have to engage in marketing. It’s almost imperative. Because you need to spread the word about your business. And, more i...
Have a small business? Wondering how to reach out to more people? Marketing holds the key. And these days, when you are speaking about marketing your ...
You have a business and you want to expand it as much as possible. So, what’s the first step towards it? With a lot of customers preferring the online...
Brands are always on the lookout for new web design trends. Other than the use of graphics and videos for brand endorsement, web design in 2016 also r...
Good designs are not just something that the average users look at and say, “Awesome! That’s a really great design!” Good designs are easy to use, rea...
Websites with a lot of pages and design elements can be confusing, making navigation difficult for the users. In contrast, a simple and sleek design c...
Like many, I had my fingers crossed for cinemagraphs at the beginning of this year. To my disappointment, the web designing industry didn’t welcome th...