Social Media Is More Important Than Ever for Your SMB as We Move Through The Pandemic

The emerging trend of social media has been a boon for businesses worldwide. Businesses have been banking on the limitless scope of social media to reach out to customers and expand their exposure.

The right social media strategies can guarantee your company countless opportunities to grow. Owing to the potential of social media, it has quickly become a buzzword for businesses.

In the age of digital marketing, social media takes businesses one step further. That being said, social media is yet to be adopted by a number of companies that are still sceptical about its contributions. With fresher updates and features being rolled out, the benefits have multiplied exponentially since its inception, turning sceptics into believers. Let’s have a look at some of the advantages that social media can have for your company.

Improved Scope of Customer Acquisition

Once you form a company, you need to start devising customer acquisition strategies. With an overwhelmingly large database of users, what can be a better platform to look for potential consumers than social media?

Nowadays, almost everyone is on social media. Harbouring 2.1 billion users, the various platforms of social media have been witnesses to steady growth in its user base over the years. A large part of this number is made up of your business’s potential customers.

All you need to do is keep an eye out for users’ requirements that match with the services and/or products that your business provides. Once you locate these, you have a gold mine of potential customers waiting to be converted.

High Inbound Traffic

Locating potential consumers for conversion is not enough for the growth a business. This makes your inbound traffic limited to the customers you identify and the ones who are familiar with your brand. It is crucial to devise strategies that will generate a steady incoming traffic to your website.

For every social media platform, you are creating another pathway leading to your website. The same happens for every content you syndicate in these platforms. This expands the reach of your business further beyond the keywords it ranks for.

Each content you publish on social media brings another opportunity for users to click-through to your website, thus increasing your website’s inbound traffic. Consequently, conversion rates go up too.

Enhanced Customer Experience

The potential of social media does not lie with the immense reach it provides, alone. Social media plays a major part in humanizing a brand. People expect to interact with other people instead of brands. Social media lends a voice and a digital personality to your brand. It is an effective communication channel that initiates a lasting brand-user relationship and builds customer trust.

Customer service is one of those things that determine the integrity of a brand. Social media enables businesses to capitalize on this by making communication a lot simpler. In a world that expects instant gratification, social media is the right medium to employ. Queries can be responded to in minutes and complaints do not take up a long waiting period to be read and solved. This lets your customers know that you care about them.

Additionally, the interaction that takes place on social media is transparent, making your brand more credible to users.

Increased Reach Through Recommendations

Advertising your brand does not necessarily end with your efforts to promote it. The quality of services your business provides outlives direct promotion and continues to make its presence felt in customer satisfaction or the lack of it.

Customer recommendation is a powerful tool for businesses. With brands going social, it is quite likely that customers would turn to social media platforms for reviews and recommendations.

That being said, customer behaviour varies from one social media platform to the other. In a study conducted on 24,000 social media connected customers, it was found that 71% of the respondents would trust a product/service recommendation on Facebook than any other social media platform.

Social media enables customers to share their personal experiences with a business. Experiences always sell more than features.

Cost-Effective Brand Awareness

Social media is an effective promotional tool that bears little to no cost. This is a far better and more cost-effective way of advertising than traditional promotional methods. The big names in the social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest and so on can be employed to promote content at zero expense.

Additionally, you can leverage these platforms to initiate any campaigns for your business without any hassle. All you need to do is spend your time in devising the social media marketing techniques that work for business.

Receive Valuable Customer Insights

The revenue of your business is where the customer is. Customer behaviour is key to the growth and prosperity of any business. Therefore, it is crucial to detect how your customers respond to the services your business provides. This becomes quite transparent through the user comments on social media.

Social media allows you to keep a track of which services generate the maximum interest among your consumers. Based on this, you can improve the services your business provides to make sure that customers’ requirements are met.

Apart from that, you can also gather customer insights and your customers’ information that are publicly available to identify what they are looking for. You can tailor your social media content based on this in ways that can benefit them.

Better SEO Rankings

Every now and then Google rolls out newer updates to its algorithm to improve users’ search experience. As a result, all websites need to comply with the rules in order to rank in the search engine results’ page. Among all the efforts you put in to ensure that your business receives the traffic it deserves, social media is a significant factor.

Google takes social media promotions very seriously. This is because your business’s social media presence guarantees its authenticity and legitimacy. It also signifies that your business website is active and updated regularly. This forms the green signal of trustworthiness for your brand. If your business is credible and provides quality services, chances of traffic flocking to your website is high. This immediately boosts the popularity of your brand, giving it better SEO ranking.

If your strategies are right, your social media marketing efforts will draw a good return on investment for your business in no time. Your competitors are already reaping the benefits that social media has to provide. It’s time that you put your strategies into motion as soon as possible.